health & nutrition for optimal performance

When you feel great, you perform at your best. That’s the philosophy we live by at 31MINS. But you can’t perform at your best if you’re feeling sluggish, overtired, stressed, anxious and your body isn’t firing on all cylinders. It only takes one part to break down or malfunction for the entire system to be affected.

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Improving your health begins with a commitment to take small, achievable steps. Our easy-to-digest videos, podcasts, meal plans and blogs will support you to improve your health for daily high performance that gets better and better the longer you stick with it.

Fuel your body for health

Learn why how you fuel your body is as important as what you eat.

Gut health is critical

Discover the critical role gut health plays and how to achieve it.

What should I eat ?

The question we all ask ourselves ‘what should I eat and then revert to just our old habits and eat the first thing we see. We want to make it a habit and get your nutrition right.

31MINS Nutrition
Starts here

Words from the community

See what some of our community members have achieved by adopting the 31MINS approach to health and wellbeing.

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